Migrate your store data
in a few mins

How to perform Store migrate properly?

Shopping cart migration to a new engine is an extremely time-consuming task, which can be performed not only by professionals. However, the procedure has become much simpler now, since there is an excellent opportunity to complete everything by yourself without any errors and in the automatic mode. The need for migration is obvious – growing sale volumes, site popularity, and expanding opportunities. Website migration process can be performed rather quickly without any errors and high costs, using our company’s high-quality software.

The key peculiarities of migration?

Many people believe that website migration is just the same as creating a portal from scratch, but this is not the case at all. The reason is the existing website already has a certain rating and popularity in search results, therefore, it is important to perform all the migration procedures correctly. By using our website migration service, each client can migrate a website in just 4 simple steps. You will need:

Connect your Source Cart

Connect the existing project to a new one and enter the URL and API data

Connect your Target Cart

Connect to the last URL from the old CMS and start migrating to a new platform enabling our App

Select the data to migrate

Select data and links for migration and configure additional parameters

Launch your migration

Start migration and enjoy the result within just a few minutes

Enhanced demo data transfer service

Advanced Application Software Migration System With customer in mind, App is created. We want to save your time, that resources and guarantee the highest standard of service. Therefore, we provide a range of ‘all-inclusive’ specialized demo support services. Our team will migrate your data, provide you with the appropriate personalization and help for every phase of the migration.

Try free demo right now!

Automated shopping cart migration takes as few as 15 minutes and this is an impressive result. The simplest possible procedure makes it possible for everyone to cope with the process, which is a significant advantage. High-quality software will help you to migrate all the data automatically without having any corresponding knowledge and skills. You can use demo migration to test all the issues of interest.


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Can I use the app for free?

You can migrate a small amount of data with our free demo version! It requires only 15 minutes of your time and transfers up to 10 data positions.

Can I move all the pictures?

You need to allow access to a folder with all images. This option isn’t turned on in the beginning but we transfer all images as well.

What should I do as soon as the migration is over?

Right after the transfer is done, check all the website details and ensure that everything is moved properly. Review all the data transition results!

Ensure that the domain name works properly and SEO settings are ok.

Create the research sample and purchase the check due to the protocol.

This happens right after transferring to ensure that everything is ok. If anything happens in a way that is not described – ask the support team.

Forms and connections should remain working after several days of the full transfer. During the next 2-3 weeks, data tacking should make a migration of information and archives.

From now on everything should work flawlessly.

What about my migrated data?

You can migrate products, clients, and orders from the servers but not from the backend. The transferred information appears in a form of archive and not in the tale backend.

Moving shops with the same URLs

There is no possibility for website migration from the same URLs without the aim shop URL. If you do so, you will get a notification. The aim settings can be changed or you need to create a new URL for the store.

What about my migrated data?

You can migrate products, clients, and orders from the servers but not from the backend. The transferred information appears in a form of archive and not in the tale backend.

Moving shops with the same URLs

There is no possibility for website migration from the same URLs without the aim shop URL. If you do so, you will get a notification. The aim settings can be changed or you need to create a new URL for the store.

What should I do as soon as the migration is over?

Right after the transfer is done, check all the website details and ensure that everything is moved properly. Review all the data transition results!

Ensure that the domain name works properly and SEO settings are ok.

I want to move different languages to Shopify.

You can’t move different languages to the Shopify platform. You can use the app that allows translating the website.

Visit our app page to find out more about language migration.